
Gaza, God, and turning toward the hard stuff without needing to solve it

Noha Beshir on Both Are True LIVE

Noha asked me not to swear during this because her kids might watch.

Not only did I swear, I also told her to tell her kids that I was the Mr. Beast of Substack for some reason.

But besides those two ERRORS on my part, the conversation was genuinely so good. You can watch / listen here on Substack OR on your podcast app by clicking here.

Topics covered include:

  • our shared anxiety and the weird pressure to be perfect, even when no one’s asking us to be.

  • how Arabs, Muslims, and Russians are depicted in movies

  • why Noha doesn’t swear and how fasting during Ramadan is more about avoiding snark than avoiding food.

  • Noha’s relationship with God and how reading the Quran helps her anxiety

  • how to not turn away from the awful stuff happening in Gaza and elsewhere

Noha also gave

a shoutout so def go check out her stuff too.

“If you’re not subscribed to Noha’s Substack

, what the heck are you even doing?? Subscribe right now you fool! Favorites of mine from Noha include:

Letters from a Muslim Woman
To the Dem supporters asking if we're happy now...
A confession…
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Letters from a Muslim Woman
I'm done being demonized
We were sitting on the couch late one night over the holidays, scrolling through the options on our streaming services. Action. Tear-jerkers. Blockbusters…
Read more
Letters from a Muslim Woman
To be a Gazan during Ramadan
What does it mean to be a Gazan…
Read more


I’ve been doing more of these Live convos and I gotta say, they’re awesome which means I’m gonna keep doing them.

I am fairly sure me and

have one scheduled tomorrow at 3pm EST. If there’s anyone you want me to talk to that’s on here, just lemme know in the comments.

ALSO: I need to put up the last few with

, , and - trying to figure out how to do that without bombarding people’s inboxes (question for the fam: y’all wanna get notified of each one of these or a digest or what???)

mf just said ‘digest’ what is he a GI doctor??

Okay I love you here’s to sending emails whenever the heck I want.