Wow I'm obsessed with this. Especially since tonight my son pointed to two dried milk rings on the table and asked, "Mommy, what's that?" and instead of getting defensive and self-critical and cleaning it up immediately I said "it's art" and poured a glass of wine.

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I am sooooo happy It’s not just me.

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Wow Daniel Cheese’s desk is truly terrifying. And the mess replication in thd new location is just proof of the adage, “wherever you go, there you are.”

Also love the writing in this one Alex! So funny!

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PS I am a BA Lampman fan and it was so cool to see her desk although it is NOT actually a mess!

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Thank you Anne 😅

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I love this series, and was particularly moved by the section on BA. When I have time, I might share, how my MAS has both gotten smaller and smaller, from a tiny office, then that tiny office sharing with an adjunct, then an even tinier office when I semi-retired) then getting larger and larger- as I kept having to move books home to compete with my husband's MAS, and I actually had an office, until I got grandsons and needed that office as a guest room, so now my office is the whole house. I will take some pictures of what happens when your office is the whole house some time in the future. But today, I just uploaded the book I've been working on for a year, so I am going to go and obsessively click to see where, besides Kindle, its gone live, and then start to tell people its live so I can obsessively click on my sales page and see if anyone bought it yet. So things to do!!!!

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"Now if you’re new here (waddup, thank u, i have all of ur names tattoo’d on my back) - here’s a quick MAS origin story:"

i just saved you some ink money all ya need with me is apple symbol and color it in with a red sharpie. Not sure its impervious to hot water tho.

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This was pure delight.

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Loved this and loooooove your MAS! 🫶🏽

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I reckon my desk (dining room table) has never been clean 😂🔥

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1. Haha - my MAS is a quite pro one i think. Maybe not perfectionist messy but elaborate.

2. I am moving only inside my room (got a very small flat) and it went always for the better in the question of light, cozyness, workative atmosphere but stayed annoyingly the same in the question of messiness ...

3. A cat and a badly wired brain

4. I feel you


6. Oh hi!

7. sometimes

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3. Forgot the music - however you put music into a collage

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Thank you so much Alex! Even though my space is NOT REALLY MESSY! Damn, I should have taken a photo last week when I spilled an entire bottle of green ink on my writing table. But not even that was messy, really... just super dramatic. Anyhoo. Thank you. I am honoured.

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Okay, okay... I guess it is a little cluttered

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“ a wizard’s old spell book” 👍😆 we are considering moving our MAS(es) to a new locale at some point and the thought is…ugh. Paging Marie Kondo!! Bring in the puritan regime, we need fire hoses of help. That backyard studio is 💯👯‍♀️🦄

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