Okay Alex, here is a deal you can't refuse! I have a rich family (no joke) but they are arseholes. I have had to be nice to arseholes for years to stay in THE WILL. I propose we swap dads, your dad sounds so nice. If we swap then we will split my inheritance 68.5% to you and the rest to me (I can't be bothered to do the maths as it's too hot today). Unless of course my dad loves you so much he gives it all to you. But hey good luck with sucking up to the rich guy!!! I will just be happy to have a real dad like yours. rsvp asap

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most convoluted, insane, best over plea for getting your subscribers to pay up… 👏🤓🙏❤️

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I’m glad to know we’re best friends. Here I thought you didn’t care. -- This post made me laugh out loud several times. Thanks for that. I love the way it feels like this was written in one sitting just saying the next thing that comes into your mind.

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Alex, I'm here to help. Something is off about your plan to inherit wealth. Being named in a will is nice, but it's small potatoes. Wills are how middle-class people inherit money. You lose a loved one, but you gain up to mid-six figures. That's good, but not good enough for you, my man.

The wealthy use something called a trust. Like merchandizing, a trust is where the real money is. What you need to do is become the beneficiary of a trust, which is like a will, only with a way better tax plan. Of course, there's a catch. Actually, there are quite a few catches in the trust game, but trust me (see what I did there?) when I tell you that they're worth it. And if you still don't believe me, ask yourself this: have you ever heard of a will-fund kid? No, you haven't. The term is trust-fund kid.

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Don’t give up hope Alex. My boyfriend’s dad left my sister money in his will and died early. She has reminded me that she bought her first car with it. Maybe suck up to the wealthy parents of your friends. One never knows. For me, I am reading Happy Money right now for the third time and chant a morning mantra to myself: “I am worthy of money.” I met Ben Hardy. He convinced me to sign up for a very expensive program with a lot of wealthy people 😂. It’s a journey. You do sound like you have an awesome dad and you are funny. Houses are less expensive in other countries. I am in one.

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My son constantly complains about our lack of generational wealth. This was perfect to send to him. Thanks for hilariously voicing a thought all of us have had at some point.

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Hahahah oh I loved this 😂 I think we think similarly (and therefore we are?).

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“Sidenote: I think that word “heir” is a misspelling of the word “heri” which is right there in the word inheritance. Mistakes like these make it clear that the inheritance industry is a mess. Reform is needed up and down the ticket.” 😂😂😂 Love it all. 🤩 So funny!

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dear alex,

"does anyone know how to inherit wealth?" is very funny!

the title AND the piece! i hope this brings you lots of wealth!



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Dying 😂

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Also, fun fact, most Americans die with TOO much money left over. Bill Perkins wrote a great book about this, called Die with Zero, encouraging people to spend more money while they’re alive. I mistakenly gave it to my mom, worried by how frugal she was being, never even replacing broken things, sleeping on raggedy sheets, etc, but after reading it she spun out in the other direction and bought a boat and a penthouse (no joke) and now I probably will have no inheritance.

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Find a sweet, chunky, but very ugly rich girl, and marry her. It’s that simple. I know a few and they’re so lonely because men don’t care about money at all, only physical appearance, so they struggle to find a boyfriend and men never approach them. They have to look overseas, like passport bros, but then that also breaks their hearts because those guys are dumb and they’re all quite smart, having gone to the best schools, etc. They just want smart, non-violent, non-alcoholic boyfriends and don’t even care if the guy is in it for the money.

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I’ll definitely send this to 2 of my sisters children. All of whom are in the upper upper 1%. As for our children. We plan to spend every last middle class penny. Great read. Keep looking for the gold over the gelded horizon.

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I would like one wealth, please ☺️

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I loved this, if I had the money I'd definitely give some to you. Sadly, my parents were poor, there parents were poor and I'm a poor parent. I read a book like that when I was 12 yrs old, it belonged to my older brother/cousin (complicated family) One of the points I remember was give away the pennies and keep the pounds. (err, yes, different currency, it used to be worth something) I tried that for a while but no-one wanted my pennies so I put them in a jar and saved £20. Woo hoo! My older brother/cousin never got rich either. But hey, thanks for the laugh!

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Choose your parents carefully.

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