very few things funny as truth in the wild -- before you write your story, do yourself a favor and visit the Costco "Business Center" -- It's only, I think in very large cities so while there is one in the Twin Cities, the next one going west is in Denver. It is where the savvy shoppers and stockers are buying the stuff that ends up in vending machines (or probably small family marts at obscene markups. I go there OCCASIONALLY on behalf of my non-profit where I manage a library. A cross-section of humanity that is fun to see. I didn't take photos when I was last there but there was a 25 or 30 lb box of raisins WTF -- back to vacation
Seriously just go in if you can. I think they give you a $25 shopping card if you take a tour! It doesn't have the same stuff as the regular store. My favorite dream imagination is there are people posing as businesses just so they can buy these crazy large packs of shit and pretend they need 100 bags of pretzels. I believe you can go in there with a regular membership but am not sure. I have a membership for the library separately. When I read Cafe Anne and every time she goes into a Bodega the Lorna Doones are $5, I imagine there is someone going to Costco Business Center and sending their kid to Stanford on the margins. Costco is a bit of a cult and the people-watching is OOTW
hahahahahaha god damn mark that's funny
very few things funny as truth in the wild -- before you write your story, do yourself a favor and visit the Costco "Business Center" -- It's only, I think in very large cities so while there is one in the Twin Cities, the next one going west is in Denver. It is where the savvy shoppers and stockers are buying the stuff that ends up in vending machines (or probably small family marts at obscene markups. I go there OCCASIONALLY on behalf of my non-profit where I manage a library. A cross-section of humanity that is fun to see. I didn't take photos when I was last there but there was a 25 or 30 lb box of raisins WTF -- back to vacation
omg what. do you need a certain type of membership? this is not far from me
it's like a costco's costco
Seriously just go in if you can. I think they give you a $25 shopping card if you take a tour! It doesn't have the same stuff as the regular store. My favorite dream imagination is there are people posing as businesses just so they can buy these crazy large packs of shit and pretend they need 100 bags of pretzels. I believe you can go in there with a regular membership but am not sure. I have a membership for the library separately. When I read Cafe Anne and every time she goes into a Bodega the Lorna Doones are $5, I imagine there is someone going to Costco Business Center and sending their kid to Stanford on the margins. Costco is a bit of a cult and the people-watching is OOTW
hahahhaha ok yea I need to figure out if I can go by myself