Both Are True is free to read for all - if you are really loving the work and want to support, now you can by becoming a monthly or yearly subscriber. Free and paid options: both are true!

Hello hello hello
It is once again Friday. I don’t know about you but I for one had no idea it was coming. There should be weathermen but for days. Daymen and of course Daywomen and frankly Daypeople.
They can go on the TV and say "looking like there's a good chance tomorrow will be Friday. We can't be sure, especially after today ended up being Thursday, there's always a slight possibility of course it'll end up being Monday again, so keep your eyes peeled come morning time."
But here we are and here you are and so we must thusly and with most excitement say: YO. There are a lot of new people here once again and to them (and only them) I say WELCOME!!
A lot of you are here from a shoutout our newest segment Messy Ass Spaces got in Wednesday's Today in Tabs which rules - Tabbers are the best sort of people - if you aren't subscribed to Today in Tabs yet wtf why? Do that now.
How many new people are here with us today?
I DONT KNOW. Because you see friends, I did something wacky last week. Something that will be discussed in at least one history book.
You see ever since I turned on paid subscriptions, I’ve became obsessed with the numbers. So I says to my friend Tomas I says, "what do I do? These numbers, they're killin me."
Tomas is a man of principle, a man of wealth and taste, and so he says, "Al, this seems like a very practical thing. What is it gonna take for you to simply stop looking?"
And so I says, "Easy, T1, I'll send you $100 on Venmo and if I look (honor system)2, you send that money to Trump + Putin + Anti Abortion people."
And he says ok and so I send it and guess what? I ain't looked at the numbers for a week!
This is a big deal, a W as they say in the letter business. Also Tomas won't return my calls or texts so I am pretty sure he has stolen my money!
So without further adding, let's get into another edition of what Jack McNulty of VeganWeekly recently called “funny, chaotic and just a bit disorganized...” which is the best description of me / Both Are True that I have ever seen.
Question Of The Week: What is your favorite word?
Don’t think too hard about it - whatever comes to mind first, that’s your answer.
Reply in the comments below!
I asked Lauren this last night and she demanded further clarity: "do you mean my favorite word to say? to see written down?"
To which I said, "I have no idea Laur." So answer however you see fit. Think of this as a RorSchack (cousin of the LoveShack, ex husband of RadioShack) - you can write about what word you love to say, to see written, what word has the best meaning(s), etc.
Or as my swim instructor at camp Grossman used to say, "whatever gets you there!"
Oh and big news: Steve Haswell the soon to be 6th grader who wrote an essay about how Lauren and I met has offered to write a mini-essay on whatever word gets the most upvotes by next Friday. So add your words, add your votes, etc.
My Favorite Word?
It's a simple word. Three letters, but boy oh boy does it pack a punch. Of course I'm talking about the word
I love how it sounds. The exhale of the p RIGHT INTO a simple man's ah FINISHED OFF WITH an absolutely Delightful and conclusive duh.
Say it with me: Pad. I love it. The economy of letters to deliver such an incredible experience in one's own mouth, I mean. Wow.
If God exists it is inside the word Pad. GodPad.
I've recorded myself saying Pad a few times which you can listen to here (make sure to listen all the way thru cuz I realized halfway that I should use a pop filter).
Now as always (this is the first time), let's end by looking at some comments on the Merium-Webster definition page for the word Pad:
This last one was my favorite. What the hell was SmaBorghei trying to say here? I googled the exact line he put here and lo and behold its a line from a book! Can you guess what book? No you cannot.
It’s from Bob Dylan’s Chronicles Volume 1:
The world gets more interesting by the day!
Okay that’s all for today I can’t wait to read all of your favorite words maybe I’ll even read them out loud in a future post!
WHOA I just saw a man and a woman exit an apartment across the street, they hugged and it was intimate but no kiss? And its 644am. He just got into an Uber and left. Or a Lyft and left.
Were they romantic? If so why no kiss? The lord works in mysterious ways, friends.
And if tomorrow does turn out to be Saturday (fingers are criss crossed apple sauce), have a great weekend.
With love and camaraderie,
Sash ‘Pad’ Dobrenko
Both Are True is free to read for all - if you are really loving the work and want to support, now you can by becoming a monthly or yearly subscriber. Free and paid options: both are true!
Have a friend? That’s already very dope. Think that friend might love Both Are True? Even doper maybe dopest. Share it with them using this thing that they are calling a ‘button’:
short for Tony Soprano
I have a strict ‘do not lie to friends’ rule so I cannot abuse the honor system
my word is STOKED
wow I have been pronouncing your last name SUPER wrong