Has it ever crossed your mind that sometimes your contribution to this world could be collateral? like a chain that you don't even know where it ends?

You happen to be my husband's (wow) best friend, and I definitely see you less than him, but every time you see with him, I feel like I'm part of the equation because something shifts in him and I get to experience it. "So Alex told me this... and he left me thinking"..... and then I spend hours doing the thinking myself. Am I blabbering at this point? Is it too early to leave public comments like this? Felt cute, might delete later but hope it leaves some sort of digital breadcrumb just in case

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Ok hi this is actually me the real Alex it is never too early to leave comments like this Ana I love you and I love your husband and this makes me really happy to read thank you

also just so you know how fucked up and sad I am, I read "and I definitely see you less than him" as "I view you as a lesser person than him" which should show you just how great my brain is doing thank you very much!!!


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This was so good Alex!!!!! But you have to tell us which line made you actually LOL … was it dis content? Hehehehe that was good.

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YES IT WAS THAT EXACT LINE hahahah i was so tired last night and reading it and forgot I ever wrote that and did a real life, auditory, 3d meatspace guffaw

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I saw a quote from Richard Linklater recently and I’ll see if I can find it but the gist is that we need this creative drive and passion when we are young and less confident. But that as we age and gain prowess and perspective we apply that drive differently. In part because we notice more about the world and our true place in it. Maybe I’m just tired out from life and menopause but damn it if Caves words don’t ring true too.

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You put the "poi" back in "poignant." Thank you.

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Jun 21
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this is not me

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You've obviously never tried using your art as an ICEBREAKER at social functions. I sent my Evangelical Protestant cousin samples of things that I've done & get a cool reception at best.

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Only consulting the koala council from now on

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Jun 21
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"okay pretty"??? if youre gonna impersonate me at least do a good job

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I hope when you are 60 that you don't still think it's all behind you. I am reading a compendium of current women writers over 80 who still have a shit ton to say about life experience and self absorption.

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Yes, 60+ artist and author here just getting started!

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Gawd, this made me laugh out loud — That right there is the weird self-absorption of the creative person, don’t you think? But really, I loved all of this.

I am voice texting this message while walking my dog Cooper, who wants to lay in the shade of the neighbor's hickory tree, and all I can think is, I need to get back to my desk, to work, to set up an interview, to blah blah blah. Instead of enjoying the cloudless, blue sky, the chirping birds, and how the wind dances with the trees. Sigh, a work in progress. Thanks for slowing me down for a minute, Alex.

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Gah! Your writing! I wasnt planning to sit and read just now, but as usual you pulled me to every word. Thank you. Words ringing so true, I have a lump form in my throat.

Being present for others. This takes some creativity for sure. This is such a life long practice isn't it?

Camping. This is what I love about camping with my family. Hard work in the present state doing mundane things like boiling water to clean dishes, or cooking up rations to find there is plenty for the friends that showed up.


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This was gorgeous.

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Hello Alex! Always a pleasure to read your posts, thought provoking and honest. And jeez, it is impressive to stand out in the crowds of maddening substack voices!

But I gotta break something to you. 60 is not a magical age where you look back in calm wonder at your life. Every day I rise and try as hard as I can to be a good mother, wife, sister and writer ( I am only a daughter to memories now).

But I have the same desire to write as always, the same dreams, the same ambition. I am unchanged except for the quiet of my days, which I admit to loving (good for writing!)

Big cyber hugs to you and your happy little family.

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Jun 21
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it seems the whats app link has been removed?

Is it not supposed to appear in your comments?

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this is app seems mysterious to me! I may try it as long as I have back up from a young person to bolster my confidence and confirm I can figure it out without mayhem

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Hey Alex, probs you have but have you seen Cave’s letters website where he writes to readers?

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We’re programmed in (at least) two ways: we hold to a Hippocratic oath to do no harm. Later in life we discover how much we’ve always loved small children— anyone’s small children. Working on art— still important late in life— is just interstitial activity between our opportunities to love small people. Art is like the part of a DNA strand that scientists can’t decode.

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This contains the sheer power of love and humanity. Very beautiful work that stays.

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