Glad you're OK - and this is a great post, too.

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Alex, I also live in Asheville. My husband and I are fine and so is our home. My husband and I are now in Chicago with our older son. We also had no idea of the catastrophic impact until we saw photos. We started crying. I appreciate your thought that leaving means 1 less person needing food and water.

For the 4 days we were there, it was our neighbors and the sense of community that got us through. It was also the deep gratitude I felt for all that I had when so many had so much less. I know we will both return to AVL and be part of the recovery of our home.

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Your Asheville is now OUR Asheville, Sasha.

We love you and your family is our family. Thanks for the update buddy, sending you the driest and most loving of hugs

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Thank you for sharing. Surviving a natural disaster with your housing remaining intact is a strange thing. Wildfire survivor here. PTSD after an event like this is common. Sending you and your family my love.

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Alex I live in Atlanta please DM me if I can help you & your family in any way while you're here. So heartsick about Asheville and lovely Western N.C., I will donate and share the list thanks for providing it

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Wow thanks for the check-in and glad you’re doing well.

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Did Thomas Wolfe’s house survive? I dragged my parents there when I visited them in Asheville. They rented a cottage in the forest and I visited them there.

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The Thomas Wolfe Society Facebook page reported that a maple tree fell on the house, but damage was limited. The house stands. I’m far away but checking the TWSociety for updates. You can follow them on Facebook.

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Glad you are Ok Alex!

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Right here with ya....but also not there. Made our way to Charleston for a bit to regroup. Loading up with supplies and heading back to AVL on Friday

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Glad you're safe but so sorry this happened to you and your family.

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Just down the road from you in Morganton, and still no power or water here. We are former AVL residents, and our daughter who lives there evacuated safely on Sunday. Photos and stories are wrenching. Thanks for sharing the BeLoved link—they do amazing work in the community. Glad your family is safe.

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So glad to hear your family is safe. I constantly think about those who are not as fortunate. I really hope this opens everyone's eyes to the changing of our storms and 'natural' events and the necessity of everyone to prepare as much as possible in advance. First things first though, I've donated as much as I can. I'm too far away to donate time, tools, and muscle...so prayers are all I am able to give now. When you are having a down moment, take a look at that little one's smile. That will brighten the darkest day....

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Having experienced the 2011 triple disaster in Japan I know what it’s like on the inside. Glad you took care of your own and are safe.

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Thanks for writing this. Our family is in Fairview and you captured a lot of what I’ve been feeling the last few days as tears well up in my eyes. Thanks for using your platform to help our Asheville.

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So glad you're okay! We have some friends who live in Ashville - in the mountains - they were driving back from visiting their daughter in Oklahoma, but I don't think they've been able to get to home. We don't know how far they've gotten, or where they're at because, well, no cell service. ❤

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Thanks for the update, I appreciate it 💟

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