Apr 14, 2023Liked by Alex Dobrenko`


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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

i did not know balls could be holy

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

taylor I know you're reading this hire me pls

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Alex Dobrenko`


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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

time 2 take telluride down

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I’d just like to respond to 6 with:

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🙌 AWESOME, every word. Have had to sit down with a cuppa - giving me, I’m glad to say, the opportunity to give due uninterrupted attention to my proposed response to question 6. 🫖

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First, congrats!! You rock! In fact, you rock so much that I officially became a paid subscriber. You’re an inspiration, my Substack hero. (Sing those last two words using the refrain from Jukebox Hero. Lyrics to come.) I found you by clicking on “humor”in the category department of this site. Before that I was a lost Stacker searching for fellow comedians and fake crab aficionados. Can’t wait to read your paywalled goodies since I just developed an intolerance to chocolate.

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Damn Alex. I got a notification saying you’d tagged me in your post, and I must have read it three times looking for the mention😂 love the trust fall, gotta use it myself sometime.

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Ooooooh, Alex, this is all so wonderful! And well deserved! Yay! And go, Confabs!! xx

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1. I really wish I could remember exactly but I'm pretty sure I found you randomly through Twitter. And no, I don't remember who I was before that.

2. The first essay I responded to was your dissection of the Pina Colada song which was hysterical and I laughed the whole way through. Then you responded to my response and assumed I was a dude because my name is Charlie.

4. Publish every week. Lean into who you are. Don't focus on metrics or growing your audience.

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dear alex,

one million congrats my friend!

1) How did you find BAT? Do you remember who you were before that? Who?

i think chris duffy told me.

i don't believe in the past.

this is like a zen koan!

2) Any fav moments or essays or anything?

i love the stuff about how you are a parent and also you have parents

and how you have a child and also you are a child

3) What other stuff people newsletters whatever are blowing your mind of late?

i love sophie lucido johnson's "you are doing a good enough job"

i love ND stevenson's "i'm fine i'm fine just understand"

i love george saunders's "story club"

i love a lot more but that's some for now

4) Do you have tips to share with the world about what’s worked (or not worked) in growing your newsletter? Or your vegetables?

water and soil

make sure you drink enough water and eat enough soil

5) What else is on your mind today and if you say a hat I will sue you.

keep it under your hat but i'm thinking about you suing me



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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

Gosh, I can’t remember how I found out about BAT, but I’m glad I did!

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1. I can't for the life of me remember how I found you, and given I am in my 70s, that is the 100th time today I start to worry I'm losing my memory, so thanks for that!

2.I had to go back and open up this post in another window to remember what #2 was, (are we seeing a theme) but now I can answer--favorite posts are about your parents (my people) and your kids, so that I can pretend I didn't f' that up as badly 30 some years ago.

3. Really enjoying Get wit Quick, Field Research, The Honest Broker, Situation Normal, , The Hyphen and Unschool for Writers, and Patty Smith and Oldster Magazine, the last 2 because they are the only ones that don't make me feel ancient!

4. Mostly I am glad I have held onto my 3000 who I brought over to my monthly, and the 300 I brought over from Facebook, and I am now ready after a year to figure out how to grow.

5. What I have on my mind is I am so glad I don't have a day job, so writing and marketing are the only thing I need to do (that and keep my body from falling apart!) Oh, and I want staff too!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

What is on my mind is that it is currently 86 degrees in NEW YORK in APRIL and I actually had to cave and turn on the AIR CONDITIONING. This is madness. So thank you for letting me get that off my chest.

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Congrats Alex! Love this and so happy for you. BTW I loved your welcome email and as you know I responded because it was cool that you asked who I was. I loved your response and actually just emailed you back last night -answered your questions :)

Keep doing what you’re doing. Thx for the info about hiring a team- helpful to know how it’s helped you.

How did I find you? I was scrolling Substack as I do every week looking for new writers to meet. I saw your post about your visit to Lil Rhody. Of course I was hooked.

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