that is a v cool tattoo!!!!!!

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thank you its permanent

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prove it

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you have already succeed as an independent artist creator person

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tell that to my wife

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i mean, take my wife, no really take her as in let me discuss her as an example

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I love your editor notes чувак!

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spaciba!!!! мне пришлось искать это слово, потому что я не знаю, как читать по-русски, хотя умел, когда уехал из украины в семь лет

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particular loves:

"a poetic way to remember this thing that you seem to keep forgetting." (i have a bit i'm working on and a real life thought where i wonder how come we used to learn so many things with music, like all the US states in alphabetical order, but as adults we don't learn as many things by singing and rhyming but if we did we could remember more i bet because MUSIC IS POWERFUL and also you said "poetic" but i'm including it the same, musical license)

"love the questions themselves" (do i love the questions themselves? i do! ooh, also rilke wrote "love the questions" first and then "LIVE the questions" later... do you think one of those is a pre-computer typo?)

"Whether about career or dinner or love or a second dinner" (ooh or second career!)

"a fox reading a book looking up at the moon which has a - yes you guessed it - a question mark around it! Plus some purple clouds! And look at that fox’s lil feetsies!" (beautiful!)

"They shoulda spelled wrong just rong"

"my priest (therapist)"

"We live and we love" (classic rilke typo! oh PS did i ever share with you my poem about typos called "typoetry"?)

love? love!

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myq your comments get me thru.

share the poem please and now, while we live and love and maybe rilke actually wrote live laugh love did you ever think on that?

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ha, i am thinking on it now.

and here is the poem:

i miss spell things for a spell,

the craft of witch is (he)art to do

or easel-y? THAT is hard to tell.

if You can, that is smart of view.

the artist's phew! is what i'll take.

even f u don't, i know it's me.

misspelling art as know me-stake,

i dub this now: typoetry.

also available as a tweet here!:


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wonderfull thank you.

have you ever seen broomshakalaka? in my opinion the greatest comedy vid ever made and full of fun wordplay including one about the word witch.


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i haven't seen but will, thank you!

and do thank you: thank you!

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wow, now i have. it is REALLY SOMETHING! thank you for sharing!

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1. Funny I read this just as I was feeling hungry for second dinner WHICH I WILL NOT EAT.

2. I am with you “rong” seems more like wrong then “wrong.”

3. “two (2) nipples and one (1) belly button are - just sorta there.” Is this another humble brag?

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so what if it is a humble brag! I'm not embarassed about my 2 nipples and 1 belly button - that's how my god made me and if there's anything rong with that, then I don't want to be wright.

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I loved reading this--the circuity of the Rilke quote is fabulous and one worth thinking about always. Love that it became both a mantra and an earloop as you work on your script.

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aw wow thanks so much Freya. It's sort of a constant realization and loop and I think more and more I'm just becoming more okay with going in and out of it, learn it today, forget it tomorrow, rinse and if you're lucky repeat

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If you would like some editorial feedback, send me your draft.

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ahhh i would love that

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You have my email in the MessyAssDesks gmail address.

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Not knowing is, in a sense knowing. The two characters know who they are, even if you don't. Just get out of their way and write down what they're saying. Eventually, things will fall into place. I think you'll have a ball once you get going with this screenplay. I love this piece because it encapsulates the fear writers have, even when we do get a bit of success, that somehow we're not good enough. You are.

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dang, Kay droppin bars out here. Thank you for saying this I will try to believe you as best I can. Also i am very excited to read your newsletter and have 1000 questions about romance novel writing

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I love ur newsletter and when I scrape some coins together I would like to support u.

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i really really appreciate that kay thank you so much i truly mean that from the bottom of my heart and also your support even in just that comment is more than enough <3

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Don't mention it. Keep up the good work, go after it!

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I absolutely love this!

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Ali omg thank you!! I'm just gonna be a lil fangirl out here and say that I've been loving all your stuff from afar :) Thanks so much for reading !!

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Aw thank you!!! And of course! Loving your newsletter too :)

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So good. Just what I needed to read. Too bad that tomorrow it'll be but a distant memory.

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