“camoo” lol

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Al "Bear" Camoo, I think.

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Is this a ref to Bear the tv show???

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Are you talking about the one that bears your name? "Sasha and the Bear"? I love that show! Were you an inspiration? Oh, nvm, I saw on the Google that there is a different show called "The Bear" I don't have streaming, so I don't know it. I was talking about the guy who wrote an existential novel on dental hygiene called "The Plaque" This was a fun article, hope you are dry.

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Itsy Bitsy Sisy-phus …

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Fuck imissedit

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Sitting down here in San Diego, after fielding emails and calls from every relative who lives on the east coast (and has gotten calls from me every time they had a hurricane), looking out a the thin drizzle that would make all of them laugh hysterically, my immediate thought was to go all contrarian on you by pointing out that if the spider lived in our part of the country, they would only get to do the climb up then waterpark slide down about once every couple of years. So, in my opinion, this is not a parable about doing things over and over again, but about enjoying the day, because you may never have this chance again in your itsy-bitsy life!

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Too harsh? (smile)

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I really appreciate both diagrams, because after the first one I was like I think I get it, but do I *get it* get it, and then after the second one I was like oh yeah I definitely got it. Thanks for the words! Stay safe in the hurricane drizzle.

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This is why I always make sure to add diagrams with my most challenging posts

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Hmmmm I always thought Sisyphus was unhappy, not only because of the constant uphill rock pushing, but because no one knows how to spell his damn name. (Imagine the creations on the Starbucks cup!) I have referenced S’s plight many times, but perhaps I will try to consider that he doesn’t mind it so much after all. Not a bad life, maybe? Thank you for that perspective.

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I'm sore the dude has bad days but so do all of us

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We shant. (Using this all week, bud.)

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Why shan't you

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Never thought so closely about these lyrics in my 37 years of hearing them. But what a joy, to read, think, sleep, wake up, read, think some more about such an old song in a brand new way. Merci, Mr. Modern Day Camoo.

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Read, think, sleep, wake up, read - should be a 7-shirt

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I'd say the real crux is how these meaninglessly repetitive rhymes are actually having a profound influence on our babies neural development. In the same way providing a safe and consistent home drives one nuts to actually do, but sets our kids foundation for life. Did I become a mom to do dishes? No, and yet, apparently yes.

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Spouts are fun places until spiders decide they shant go there

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Me too on the Camoo.

1. My spout (thanks for that option btw, feels right) is basically myself. Eh? Who is this weirdo and what are we doin? You are writing excellent essays.

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Wait, explain? How are you your own spout? And thank you

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Well every problem I encounter in life, or should I say challenge, seems to be more about me than the rain, if you will. Like why am I climbing the spout, what’s the goal, why didn’t I see the rain coming…is it because I am sometimes (always) fixated on doing stuff that in the end is either going to happen or not happen for reasons beyond my control…but if I never try, it’s boring, so at least I’m keeping myself interested. ??? Need to think this through more.

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[...] "There IS NOTHING else. Life is one’s attempt to climb up the water spout, nature in the form of rain pummelling one back down, and one trying again."

If one believes there is nothing else then they are free aren't they? They die, that's the end, don't need to worry about nothin', whistlin' away... all sorted.

Or maybe there a sneaking feeling that maybe they're missing something if their consciousness is even half as jacked as morose old Sisyphus.

When relentless BS comes too much, one makes deals with God to find the exit, maybe goads the jealous God into showing His so-called FACE... and/or perhaps launches upon what Joseph Campbell calls 'The Hero's Path' which is effing brutal, but it works if it doesn't kill you.

Metaphysic reality is clearer in the Eastern/Far Eastern traditions than in the west.

Happy to say it's all true anyway, and no one tradition has dibs on Spirit. There is an exit. It's just a trick to find.

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Right I agree! But isn't the quest for the exits itself the pushing of

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Yes. It just happens to suck more in the west imho because our (religious) metaphysic path was buried by the same people who wrote all the myths/codices.

In time, with various disciplines undertaken, the rock stays at the top of the mountain and one becomes free. They *could* have mentioned it. Presumably eternal misery makes a cuter story.

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spider shall not ascend the spout, if'n he will we shant abide it! Sissy has a foot! Sissy's foot is gimpy! Gimpy is Sissy! Sissy roll yer stone! (This would be a GREAT song.)

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Where does blobby fit into all this ?

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I took issue with your casual dismissal of the function of the spout - this was stuff we seriously learnt as kiddos.

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Marble I'm sorry

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Camus's essay isn't intended to be sad, as shown by the quote you finally acknowledged. The rock is meant to be an eternal punishment, yet Sisyphus can be imagined as picking up his burden each day, with joy, with happiness, despite the burden, despite the repetition. He is alive.

How have you avoided your own burden, because yours is right here, isn't it, you chose the burden, but it's no less your rock?

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I think itsy bitsy spider was made up by a frazzled mother to entertain her toddler. It is such a fun game to play with small children. Years afterwards the mother had to worry about her child being far away, in a hurricane. Hope you & yours are safe.

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