-- the Guns And Their Roses
-- Funny is an emergent property of all sorts of other things - truth, vulnerability, honest reactions, making yourself look dumb, slippin on banana peels, etc. (PLUS TIME, DON'T FORGET)
-- I was writing about not looking for bangers on Substack AS PART OF AN ESSAY I WAS …
-- Funny is an emergent property of all sorts of other things - truth, vulnerability, honest reactions, making yourself look dumb, slippin on banana peels, etc. (PLUS TIME, DON'T FORGET)
-- I was writing about not looking for bangers on Substack AS PART OF AN ESSAY I WAS ANTICIPATING TO BE A BANGER.
-- I wonder if anyone has ever called him Joe Rogaine I mean it’s too easy for someone not to have done it
-- a new age term for getting
-- the universal living inside the personal etc. (LOVE THAT "ETC")
love as always!
specific beloved things:
-- the Guns And Their Roses
-- Funny is an emergent property of all sorts of other things - truth, vulnerability, honest reactions, making yourself look dumb, slippin on banana peels, etc. (PLUS TIME, DON'T FORGET)
-- I was writing about not looking for bangers on Substack AS PART OF AN ESSAY I WAS ANTICIPATING TO BE A BANGER.
-- I wonder if anyone has ever called him Joe Rogaine I mean it’s too easy for someone not to have done it
-- a new age term for getting
-- the universal living inside the personal etc. (LOVE THAT "ETC")