Thank you Alex for the wonderful showcase!! Come on you rat bastards 🐀 💰

I often find myself in these stalemates where I am waiting for an email or a message from people but then release I am leaving several other people left on read. I am coining this “Email Karma” because I do it with emails the most. It’s like I’m holding the door open for one person but then looking down the hallway and seeing that someone else is holding open the door for ME. In short, I need to be better at replying to shit.

Also your story reminded me of Wee Greyfriars Bobby who I will leave you to Google.

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I love Olivia's Kickstarter. Geology! SCIENCE. What's not to love? Amazing.

I (an Englishman) once got into a stalemate of kindness with a Canadian at a door. It became more and more aggressive - "no, really, I insist, YOU go first, NO, I'm fine, YOU go" - to the point that we were staring at each other with a dawning awareness that this is how wars can start. So yes, you should make that film, but make it a series, pitch it to Netflix as the polar opposite of "Beef", where two people have a politeness rivalry that gets so out of hand that it destroys their lives but also fixes lots of things in society along the way.

(I've also wanted to write a comic novel for a long time about a character who is functionally incapable of believing the worst in people, and of course this leads to all sorts of misery for them, but along the way their utter refusal to think the worst of people "infects" everyone in their wake, reforming scammers and criminals and cynics and misanthropes etc etc).

Oh, also, hi Alex. You have no idea who I am, but I am your Nemesis. If I hold a door open for you, it's because there's a 1,000-foot drop behind it.

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Both of you, together, deserve a talk show.

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Your comic novel sounds a bit like a positive postmodern spin of Voltaire's "Candide," in which Dr. Pangloss goes around proclaiming "This is the best of all possible worlds!" while being gang-banged, etc. The bangers would take turns giving foot rubs...?

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Weird as a wombat is good - I think you should go for it! 😁

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My truth: I rarely have a grasp on life. I pretend I do because it sounds good to other people. They see me doing The Things or saying The Words, but I am over here trying to carry a gallon of water across the room in spoonfuls with a timer that won’t tell me how much time I have left. It’s fine. It’s cool even. Not about me not having it together, the fact that I’m such a convincing actress. I’m not saying I deserve an Oscar, but a better part than I got that one time (when I was young and not acting but doing special effects makeup yet still somehow ended up in front of the camera) would be nice.

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Let's program an AI bot to channel a non-racist Dr. Suess, mind-meld with Mother Theresa and Mr. Rogers, plus Your Brilliant Idea, and make your film, maybe starring Nice Zaks? https://seuss.fandom.com/wiki/The_Zax

Olivia is a true Rock Star 🪨 who deserves our support

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My truth of late (and early)— I’m pining for my adult kids. They are on the east coast we are west. Hubby seeks a new job and we are hoping, praying, manifesting, aching for a move. Yes, our kids have expressed the wish that we live closer to them. 🥰

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Wait! You can't go. We haven't done a Proper Cold Plunge or Italian Lessons, with Comedy and Food yet. (I was just telling my brilliant friend who did her first stand-up in years last night about you...)

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Where did your friend do stand up?? We aren’t leaving so fast. In the pining stage. Need that Italian class. Let’s search.

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Bridget did a fundraising show for a packed house in our village town hall, raised over 12K for a teen rowing club 🙌🏽 My Roman friend Rosella will teach us Italian and she has a few others to join us. Just gotta schedule...let's DM.

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This is hilarious! The image of Peter eternally holding the door open is fantastic.

I totally get the fear of "stalemates of kindness." Sometimes it feels easier to avoid the situation altogether than risk getting stuck in an awkward loop.

The movie idea is brilliant. A world where these absurd kindness stalemates are the norm would be both strange and strangely endearing.

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I remember as a teen me and my pal looked up the left, haha, right, haha, polite dance and it said it was called “willypepping” which made us laugh a lot because in the UK a willy is a penis. Now I look it up, I can see no mention of that at all! Although there is a boxer called Willy Pep, and the left, right, trying to pass each other thing is quite like that boxing, left, right move I suppose! I wonder if there’s another actual move for it?? Is there anything better than the teenage excitement of this sort of thing. Discovering a silly word for something you already think is silly!!? X

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What I meant to say is: I wonder if there’s an actual *word* for it!

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