but a really lovely essay <3

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awww i also love the advice

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omg the pic of wilder + gramps is too cute

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does it ever get chilly in la tho

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I heard one time it dropped below 65

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okay speaking of abers + fitch and middle school boys, my friend's son was giving away his old sweats from new a+f and wow they fit me great

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that shit was quality, just carried the message of the devil inside each and every clothe

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also that curly hair, WOW

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oh no you gotta do the dula to me now

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wilder can talk now

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P(eabody)P(ulitzer)E(mmy), the new PPE

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move over covid there's a new PPE in tuwn

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ha, I love this. This: "Watching your parents with your child also feels like traveling back in time and witnessing how they raised you." Truth. The Horror. It's chilling. Also--my mother in law said, when our son was becoming mobile, "now's the time you need to start locking your cabinets" and I had to reply "o! really? we were actually going to put out little sippy cups of poison and see if he can figure it out...." in law grandparents. oof.

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hahahahha. the sippy cup of poison is not a bad idea. speed up the whole survival of the fittest thing etc

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how are you so funny and so wise and so compassionate to everyone and also yourself all at the same time, how how how? <3

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getting this turned into a billboard lol thank you Malavika!!

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Cool article! I literally LOLed at so many parts. You're a great writer! :)

This is unrelated, but I wanted to share that I also write on substack, at https://birdfunfacts.substack.com/

It's a blog about nature and birds. If you feel like it, come check out my blog and maybe even subscribe! :)

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thanks I'll check it out!

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this rules

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holy shit the band Sun June likes my stuff??

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Alex, Well-written and insanely wise. xo Mary

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ahhh thank you mary!!

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Hi Alex! Not sure you remember me but your subscript popped into my in box. Sounds like you are well and living the good life in LA. Enjoy fatherhood! I still do despite one of my kids being Michael!

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AHHHH omg Brad!!! Of course I remember you, I spent most of high school at your house hahaha. I cannot believe substack of all things has reconnected us, that's amazing. I hear through the Nate grapevine you're a grandpa now ,right? At least I think I heard that.

So good to hear from you!

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This makes me think of my grandma’s favorite phrase, “Would you rather *I NOT CARE?*” when people accuse her of being too opinionated, too pushy, too...much. No grandma, I’m so glad you do. ♥️

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its such a powerful defense!! Grandparents are experts at manipulating feelings and WE LOVE THEM FOR IT lolol

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Found this via Substack Reads and let me just say...thank you, and wonderful, and I'm both smiling and clutching my chest. My Dad was/is from India (he died in 2020 and I can't quite bring myself to use the past tense when talking about him). I totally identify with so much of what you write (and feel). My kids are grown now, but when I was a new-ish parent, my Dad didn't exactly approve of my parenting, but he also understood that it was a whole different ballgame -- his American kid raising her American kid. That dawning, for both Dad and me, in time brought us closer. He loved being a grandparent in his own quiet, stern, loving way. Your parents sound absolutely marvelous.

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wow Asha thank you for sharing. Sorry about your losing your dad I truly cannot imagine. "His american kid raising her american kid" is such a poignant way to put it - that dawning is definitely slowly upon me and my parents, and I can feel us getting closer as a result. Also it is the ultimate change in role. I am no longer child but parent, they no longer parent but grandparent (even tho they still fully say that I will forever be their child and they can't help it yada yada yada lol)

Quiet, stern, loving - your dad sounds like one hell of a dude.

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What a kind reply. What a journey we’re all on!

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