god I love (live laugh love) this essay

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I absolutely believe that to live is to love with laughter.

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Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, not opposites. Both share a similar range of emotions, intentions and actions. Love is actively seeking the good of another while hate is actively opposing and possibly inflicting pain or harm in another. Both love and hate require the bearer to care about the outcome. The “opposite” of both is apathy, a complete lack of concern for the welfare of anyone else, possibly even oneself. An apathetic life is empty of joy, meaning and connection. I choose life, laughter and love.

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I love this. Comic and poignant in equal parts.

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Whatever the hypercaffeinatedly-deranged point of this post is, I endorse it.

Also, I am good friends with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (we met on Fortnite and we're now part of a Stardew Valley team that includes Barack & Michelle Obama, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Jane Goodall, Harrison Ford and Margaret Atwood) and he's never heard of you, Alex.

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I'm getting this tattooed.

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It totally was. I’ve added a quote to my ongoing “advice for kids” Google Keep note! Despite the unfunny tone of this comment, I’m obsessed with humor. You nailed it—the most recent New Yorker was dedicated to humor, excavating what it is, why we laugh, etc. but this equation really does — if not explain it, — then sufficiently endorses laughter to the Olympic pedestal where it belongs.

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7. Yup. Absolutely.

I have been married to the same man for 25 years now, and often have wanted to tear his head off. But he still makes me laugh, in real belly-laugh and hiccuping fashion. So here we are.

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Alex, you are now my favorite philosopher. When will you address my dad’s philosophy, “one hand washes the other?”

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dear alex,

i love you. i laugh you. i live you.

this whole piece is great, and here is one of my favorite sections:

"What if you were Live Laugh but no Love?

You’d be a real evil son of a bitch, that’s what.

Laughter without any love inside is the work of dark forces hell bent on our destruction."

thank you for sharing!

love (and laugh, and live),


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My home is life full of love with laughter, but no artwork to legitimize it, so what is your Etsy store url??? I *must* legitimize my home. Stat. Also, I’d take the word of Kevin Bacon over the Dalai Lama any day. Maybe you should fact check with him?

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I adore your brain

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All jokes aside, this is pretty profound. Thank you. LLL ❤️ AWOOOOOOOO

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I love this. Live it everyday and laugh at the beautiful absurdity of this thing we call life💗🙏.

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Unfortunately I know families, that they live, they have their pulses, they love - love their family, their spouses, but they can not laugh because they have family members that are held as hostages. Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Jews from 16 different nations. I wish your 3L equation was true for all. I pray that they can continue live, love and laugh with their released loved ones - today!

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Totally agree. Brilliantly argued. And so glad you pulled the Dalai Lama in for some tech help.

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