What if they blocked you bc they are envious of your work and what you have created here and it’s “like looking at the sun” as I’ve heard you say about some (i.e. Tim Heidecker). Let’s spin it as a compliment, you’ve made it!

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Lauren did you block me

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That sounds like something someone who blocked you would say.

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Alex that image!!! I was laughing my head off before I even started reading.

I'm sure I've been blocked a ton that I don't know about but if it was someone I came across that was meaningful to me it would hurt for sure. I recently was online heckled by someone who is not a stranger which made me feel like I finally became a 'real-internet-person' who had a hater. I write self help stuff and she suggested, very unkindly, that I was a hypocrite as I never supported her. I was bewildered as we were never friends and I haven't spoken to her in 40 years. Block and bless is what I did for her.

Maybe Larry at least gave you his blessing as he blocked you?

An excellent read, thank you. I will never block you!

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Getting block and bless tattoo’d big on my arm

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haha "Block and bless"

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Man, can't believe Mike Sowden blocked you.

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I didn’t wanna say it but it’s true. It’s Sowden. It’s always been Sowden

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Alex, let me know who blocked you. I still have friends in Brooklyn who can take care of them for you.

1. I don’t think I’ve been blocked. No one cares enough.

2. We love you, brother.

3. Larry, please come back.

4. I did murder mystery dinner theater for years in the 90s! Let’s talk.


6. I’m still working on the profit part…

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Oh man you’re gonna love Thursdays piece (do not take this as code for me asking you to off anyone)

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No really, who blocked you? We need to know!

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once a reporter...always a reporter !!!!!

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If you displease no one, likely, you aren't saying anything relevant. I posted something a week ago about No, sensitivity training thank you. It had to do with people's inability to deal with anything they didn't personally agree with and the current trend to cancel them rather than having a discussion or concern themselves with issues that were there's. I can tell you to not worry about it, but you are, and it stings when someone doesn't like us, but you know you meant no harm. As I said, these issues are there's, not yours. Let them carry the burden of being so weak they had to block Alex Dobrenko.

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Lol yea it’s wild

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I've been blocked for a reason I know why (as short as possible: she wanted me to hang up on trolling a Bad Person online and I didn't want to do that. I was then blocked by her and later had to block her because she kept leaving nasty comments about me). I feel no regrets or issues of self esteem from that event. Squares away with my theory that Internet activism and Internet bullying is merely a question of who you think the victim is.

But I have been ghosted by two friends without knowing why. They simply stopped responding to messages through any channel (a couple-three attempts, before I realized what was going on), and when I reached out to mutual friends why was met with shrugs.

That, my friend, is a mindful. Is one reason why The Banshees of Inisherin worked so well for me. I don't desperately email them asking why why why but I could see why someone would, I literally do not know why!

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A good reminder I need to see this movie

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So over movie trailers! Like now to the stage of wearing AirPods with noise cancelling if I’m unfortunately in my seat at the theatre while they’re still playing. I know I’m gonna see the movie (or not), if I have any hype for the movie I do not want to see or hear the trailer where the basic plot summary and visual vibe is spoiled.

I guess an essay trailer is kind of like the extended version of the setting on email where you see the first line of the content and does not seem to bother me in the same way.

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Phew I am glad the essay trailer worked

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i do agree for the most part but years ago the trailer for the first Indiana Jones movie came up in theatre and the old school look and feel of it ie lines on a map charting course around the globe and featuring a bi-plane and guy with leather vest and hat and whip in jungle and the sense of fun and parody well it compelled me for sure even if it promised no real sex or violence that might cause you to lose sleep over...it just felt like hmmmm "this guy who made Jaws might just be charting himself a new identity" i bit!!!

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They sure don’t make ‘em like they used to

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true that!! or maybe our innocent selves have been so besmirched over these past few decades of too much information and all with too many choices accompanied by ceaseless genuflecting speculation on THE FUTURE OF DEMOCRACY etc etc. that trailers have become gossamer thin reminders like in a cob-webbed storage locker of a joy, the universal human thrill which once leaped at the chance for adventure explicitly and even naively undertaken without a whole lot of mechanical Transformers or Sartre-esque philosophising or socially conscious rabble rousing intent...not that theres anything WRONG with that......fuck both are true heeeee

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oh and feel free to block me!

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And the essay trailer? Good idea. I hate wasting 15 minutes on something that with a trailer I may have just skipped over. Of course I don’t need the trailer for your stuff. I read it and if I don’t like it I’ll just block you.

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Plz don’t block me

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Ok I won’t.

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Alex, you def gettin' blocked.

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This is an outrage, Sasha. Whoever blocked you needs their head examined. I'm launching an inquiry with the Canadian government because we support you, the whole country. The guy who does the blocking investigations (same guy who drives the snowplow but it's summer so he's got time) will get in touch with you for details. Hey seriously just don't worry, everybody loves you.

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I didn’t realize you could block someone on Substack, but anyone who would block you is blocked in my heart.

I like the idea of a trailer for writing. If you wanted to make the trailer more cinematic, you could read it aloud and put a royalty free action movie track underneath it.

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Oh shit I should do that very good idea genius

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It was probably for something like admitting you still eat bacon, as it was in my case...

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Shit ur right

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One time I blocked someone on Twitter because they posted a snake video which someone retweeted into my feed and I couldn't hide the video because it was inside of a retweet. Great feature. Anyway I'm sure they're a lovely person, I just didn't want to see the snake video.

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but i didn't post any snake videos

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And thank you for your service!

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Ohhhh Alex I feel you!!! I *hate* finding out I was blocked, or defriended, or unfollowed, or or or. My intellectual mind is like, "nbd." But it sends me into a spiral of crazy.

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If I’ve been blocked before and found out about it, I’ve forgotten, which is a good sign for your current predicament. And I’m as neurotic as you, so.....

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What if they blocked you because they are a Mike Sowden truther? There is no other logical or illogical explanation.

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You’ve got something with this essay trailer idea. I think the best way to monetize it is to sell trailers to essayists, especially kids writing college admissions essays; their parents will buy anything that even remotely looks like a competitive advantage.

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