1. No I’m not patient enough for ASMR except for when cardi b does it for fun. My ASMR is spreadsheets.
2. Men’s professional cycling (a subculture in the US where men’s sportsduders are supposed to be YOKED not skinny binches in spandex)
3. Keep writing sash we love to see it
4. 4th was good I normally hate it but I had pain pills bc I got surgery (I’m fine) and now im still on pain pills on the 5th but also will be tapering by the sixth
CULTure--the emphasis on cult has been heavy in my head, recently, after years of observing humanity, young and old. The more I don't understand CULTure, the saner I feel.
For me, it's been a history of personally being affected by societal trends, i.e., my 1960s suburban parents adopting hippie lingo and dropping out, changing my life due to societal trends. Followed, rapidly, by divorce, hot tubes, and materialism of the 1980s.
I prefer to make be an outside observer with my own shoreline to keep me steady in the up and down tidal waves of culture.
My daughter is of the ASMR generation. I feel sympathy for their prevalent anxiety. Growing up with so much noise and technology, there does seem to be a generational need for calming techniques. I have to wonder if people who grew up in less stressful and more peaceful childhoods--listening to streams and shimmering leaves--are not as in need of calming trends.
Other than my lost teen years, I find solice and strength in staying outside of societal movements. They ebb and flow.
You got further into that article than I could... congratulations. As a plain vanilla American woman...this stuff makes me as anxious as any paranoid second gen Russian. Currently working on an article about how an ice cold Negroni will improve your posture and inner peace.
lolol heck ya. Also - and I just realized this recently so I am sharing it - I am technically first generation since I wasn't born in america. Which makes my son the first Dobrenko born in the USA lol
1. No, ASMR is annoying... like listening to old people chew or eat cereal... it should stand for Anxiety Stimulating Malarky Response. 2. My true soporific is Murder She Wrote... 3. This format is novel and reminds me of the way my ADHD brain actually functions. 4. My 4th involved a very elaborate all-female birthday party with a bit of BEEF (as in drama) and a bourbon-soaked cherry pie 5. My 5th was all rest and stealth discoveries. 6. My 6th needs to be all about the deadline... and delivery :)
hahah ur exactly right that this is an adhd post - its how my brain works and how I usually write but then I clean it up for the masses and i'm trying to play with the more stream of consciousness stuff!
That video of the Alexander whatsit, that wasn't ASMR. But I do enjoy watching people cycling in the streets, like Terry Barentsen's hotline (check YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSQlLQqMP6I&ab_channel=TerryB). I could watch that for hours. Especially now GoPro has this hyperstable format. It's just serene viewing of some risky urban cycling.
2. What subcultures are you a part of? Or fascinated by?
Certainly urban cycling. LEGO. Skateboarding. Star Wars Commander. Each of these subcultures comes with a diverse community of people who are absolute unabashed nerds about that particular subject.
Hear ya on the bad posture thing. I got one of those back braces that you can find for as little as under $10 online, and it's been working for me! So no need to watch these weird dentist videos 🦷
They have a bunch on Amazon but they basically are a backpack without the pack! I always have mine done up tight, wearing it rn, it's great. Get one and let us know how it goes!
Switter I might trust you and just read this book knowing nothign about it besides seeing a few minutes of what looked like a screwball comedy w Clooney and Turturro. Should I do this, Switter?
Alex, you hit on something real here about America and freedom and not worrying. I mean, the country is going to hell in a handbasket but no one is really worried because it will sort itself eventually and they feel utterly free to express that is as many loony ways as possible. Like watching ASMR videos. (q1)
In Switzerland people complain all the time. Like there is literally Nothing To Worry About in this Disneyland of peace, prosperity, and happy cows grazing in pristine Alpine meadows. And yet. Freedom is a very tightly defined construct. No wonder I don’t feel free here.
(q4) My 4th: I was working, so what.
My 5th: My best and only son received his school diploma, hoora.
My 6th: I wake up in Portugal and get to spend a week playing with my horse. (q2)
yesss u hit a nail near its head there - the paradox of the whole freedom thing, though, is that you can't take it for granted for too long. i think we're in a period of realizing that hopefully.
Complaining feels like a big part of being free too. Like the freedom to complain. Americans are amazing at that.
Gratitude and complaining are two sides of the same thing which is freedom to express?
Did you know that in China there are little schools where they go for ten days or so to learn how to do this crap lol! The big thing there I guess is these girls who post videos of them living their lives. I can’t think of anything more boring than to watch someone else’s life. Except watching tennis. Or golf. No thanks 😊
1. No I’m not patient enough for ASMR except for when cardi b does it for fun. My ASMR is spreadsheets.
2. Men’s professional cycling (a subculture in the US where men’s sportsduders are supposed to be YOKED not skinny binches in spandex)
3. Keep writing sash we love to see it
4. 4th was good I normally hate it but I had pain pills bc I got surgery (I’m fine) and now im still on pain pills on the 5th but also will be tapering by the sixth
7. Hot tub Time Machine
"My ASMR is spreadsheets." - another legendary quote from BAT's #1 Fan, Madeline
CULTure--the emphasis on cult has been heavy in my head, recently, after years of observing humanity, young and old. The more I don't understand CULTure, the saner I feel.
see I go the other way, respectfully, I feel like the more I understand subcultures the more I understand how weird and beautiful the world is
For me, it's been a history of personally being affected by societal trends, i.e., my 1960s suburban parents adopting hippie lingo and dropping out, changing my life due to societal trends. Followed, rapidly, by divorce, hot tubes, and materialism of the 1980s.
I prefer to make be an outside observer with my own shoreline to keep me steady in the up and down tidal waves of culture.
My daughter is of the ASMR generation. I feel sympathy for their prevalent anxiety. Growing up with so much noise and technology, there does seem to be a generational need for calming techniques. I have to wonder if people who grew up in less stressful and more peaceful childhoods--listening to streams and shimmering leaves--are not as in need of calming trends.
Other than my lost teen years, I find solice and strength in staying outside of societal movements. They ebb and flow.
Not hot tubes--hot tubs.
You got further into that article than I could... congratulations. As a plain vanilla American woman...this stuff makes me as anxious as any paranoid second gen Russian. Currently working on an article about how an ice cold Negroni will improve your posture and inner peace.
lolol heck ya. Also - and I just realized this recently so I am sharing it - I am technically first generation since I wasn't born in america. Which makes my son the first Dobrenko born in the USA lol
1. No, ASMR is annoying... like listening to old people chew or eat cereal... it should stand for Anxiety Stimulating Malarky Response. 2. My true soporific is Murder She Wrote... 3. This format is novel and reminds me of the way my ADHD brain actually functions. 4. My 4th involved a very elaborate all-female birthday party with a bit of BEEF (as in drama) and a bourbon-soaked cherry pie 5. My 5th was all rest and stealth discoveries. 6. My 6th needs to be all about the deadline... and delivery :)
hahah ur exactly right that this is an adhd post - its how my brain works and how I usually write but then I clean it up for the masses and i'm trying to play with the more stream of consciousness stuff!
dang what waas the beef
rest and stealth I love
6th is TODAY how is the DEADLINE
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response? Or is there a street version definition for ASMR?
I loved Alexander Technique when I was in acting school in the 80s.
Are you sitting up straight? My ma used to have a code word for me-- SUS. Sit up straight. Never worked.
I am lying down and have no plans to SUS
1. Do you like ASMR
That video of the Alexander whatsit, that wasn't ASMR. But I do enjoy watching people cycling in the streets, like Terry Barentsen's hotline (check YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSQlLQqMP6I&ab_channel=TerryB). I could watch that for hours. Especially now GoPro has this hyperstable format. It's just serene viewing of some risky urban cycling.
2. What subcultures are you a part of? Or fascinated by?
Certainly urban cycling. LEGO. Skateboarding. Star Wars Commander. Each of these subcultures comes with a diverse community of people who are absolute unabashed nerds about that particular subject.
The hummingbird was asking for a beverage, please, 1/4 cup sugar dissolved in 1 cup water, Thank you. 💚
he was like 2 ft from me though i think he loved me
Hear ya on the bad posture thing. I got one of those back braces that you can find for as little as under $10 online, and it's been working for me! So no need to watch these weird dentist videos 🦷
wait what say more
They have a bunch on Amazon but they basically are a backpack without the pack! I always have mine done up tight, wearing it rn, it's great. Get one and let us know how it goes!
Damn. Diana's using my old computer chair for that video. That memory is traumatic... Where's my ASMR video? At least the scenery is better...
All your questions can be answered by reading the book “The Men Who Stare at Goats” (2004) by Jon Ronson.
I promise.
Switter I might trust you and just read this book knowing nothign about it besides seeing a few minutes of what looked like a screwball comedy w Clooney and Turturro. Should I do this, Switter?
It’s your life. I read it and I’m still mostly okay. I didn’t know about the movie. Staring at goats is still on my bucket list.
I didn’t know I needed 2x dentist until this morning. I’m late for work now but so relaxed!!!
hahaha amazing
1. No. *shudders*
3. Stop fishing for compliments, Alex. You know it's great. Sheesh.... 🙄
Alex, you hit on something real here about America and freedom and not worrying. I mean, the country is going to hell in a handbasket but no one is really worried because it will sort itself eventually and they feel utterly free to express that is as many loony ways as possible. Like watching ASMR videos. (q1)
In Switzerland people complain all the time. Like there is literally Nothing To Worry About in this Disneyland of peace, prosperity, and happy cows grazing in pristine Alpine meadows. And yet. Freedom is a very tightly defined construct. No wonder I don’t feel free here.
(q4) My 4th: I was working, so what.
My 5th: My best and only son received his school diploma, hoora.
My 6th: I wake up in Portugal and get to spend a week playing with my horse. (q2)
yesss u hit a nail near its head there - the paradox of the whole freedom thing, though, is that you can't take it for granted for too long. i think we're in a period of realizing that hopefully.
Complaining feels like a big part of being free too. Like the freedom to complain. Americans are amazing at that.
Gratitude and complaining are two sides of the same thing which is freedom to express?
idk just testing things out here
congrats to ur son!
and congrats to you and the horses!
Did you know that in China there are little schools where they go for ten days or so to learn how to do this crap lol! The big thing there I guess is these girls who post videos of them living their lives. I can’t think of anything more boring than to watch someone else’s life. Except watching tennis. Or golf. No thanks 😊
we are mysteries to even ourselves
I loved this post! So many LOL moments!
haha thank you!
Is ASMR kind of like white noise?
yes lol for the youths