Every dad should read this. You are a fab dad. We all hated when our parents said, “Because I said so.” Then as parents we realize what they really meant was, “You can’t have coffee because you’re three and the caffeine would cause you to throw the TV at your sister.”

Enjoy your day this Sunday.

I know two Marine Biologists. Hehe.

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Hahaha, why is "caffeine would cause you to throw the TV at your sister" so true. KIDS!

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Golden, the color. 💛

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This is Dr Seuss-caliber. As good as that creepy, comforting and nonsensical part in Goodnight Moon: “Goodnight nobody. Goodnight mush.” Parenting is so absurd—how can something we try at so hard go so badly, so often? The gaps in the way we want to do it and the way we actually do it feel like big, dark caverns. But your love fills them up. I can just tell by the way you say “blue.”

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He totally got you with "rainbow"

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New baby, new home, I think Wilder is just trying to get adjusted. It doesn't sound like failure to me - incredible patience in the face of incredulous silliness earns you an A++ in my book. Happy Father's Day! 😊

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Somehow this made me want to be a Dad. I should probably re-read it more carefully.

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I hope we’re all lucky enough to be passport carrying citizens to the Country of I Love You. 💛

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Adult's question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Teenager's Answer: "Retired."

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This! My teen accompanied me on a visit to the grandparents and we spent the week doing low-key retiree stuff, and he declared, “This is the life! I can’t wait to retire!” Cue a now 28 y/o who has contributed the max to an IRA every year since he started his career after college.

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Happy Father's Day to a dad who's playing the right game — the color

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Lovely. Also, what I hear you saying is that it’s the failures, the failures you recognize, and learn from that actually create success… and I wholeheartedly agree!

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This reminds me of my little brother. "NO" is overrated for him; it's "EVER NEVER". I believe that these things should make you want to become a parent because having a sophisticated robotic child doesn't sound like fun. It's the little things that matter.

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The game still doesn't make sense to me, but reading this made me tear up a little. I'm not a parent. Never wanted to be. But I loved reading about your take through your Daddy lens.

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Love this! Color or country makes me think of Calvinball, from Calvin and Hobbes. You must read Calvin, if you haven't. Though you have, of course - right?

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I love this so much! Happy Father's Day.

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Parenting is fun 😄

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