can these...be sold as stickers?!

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Yes, I demand stickers!

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First of all, pation rhymes with nation, not ration. Or passion.

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but you knew what he was trying to do

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rassion, pation, nascient, nation, let’s call the whole thing off. After all, his opening joke wasn’t his point. I was just dishing back.

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😅 love to see it

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not in my accent

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Why is this true?!

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My mom once responded „You’re right, but no“ during a discussion. The title „both are true“ reminds me of that perplexing sentence.

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ha! I am a mom and this is also my sentence! Mom logic rules!

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I think we need to talk about Say Anything. Was Cusack a creeper? Maybe, but not by the standards of his generation. A grand gesture with a boom box is Xer gold, son. But yes, I can see how millennials would view it as some sort of agro creeper move. All that being said, her dad is the real objective creeper. Stealing from old people? Dude is a scumbag in any age. To hell with that guy, even though he was really good on Frasier.

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to be fair if anyone had a boombox and a copy of Peter Gabriel's 'In Your Eyes' i'd be sold almost immediately

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The more I love reading your Substack, the more inferior I feel about my own. You are brilliant.

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That second to last one is Killer.

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i'll have you know that this email post is the first and only thing that has lured me back onto the dystopian hellscape that is social media which i hate with a pation. both are true isn't dystopian amirite

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Refreshing as always. 💁🏻‍♀️

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If that is how you pronounce passion, then you sound just like Clark Gable’s Rhett Butler, and I want you to narrate my life. 😎

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laughed out loud at the graph about the intersection of wishing you were a. a baller and b.a little bit taller- so good!

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BWAHA! You definitely have a new career in graphics. I lurve your graphics because I'm a visual learner anyway so...

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You had me at graphs

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dear alex,

i love your art! and how pationate you are!



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These are awesome and hilarious. Do you use Canva?

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Alex, I think I might be getting [b]older. I'm not worrying so much about being as clever as your other commenters.

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