1. i'm afraid my freelance business is starting to die and i'll have to get a Real Job which I desperately don't want to do

2. i'm afraid of not being able to get a Real Job

3. i'm afraid of not receiving the support I need to do life

4. i'm afraid I won't be able to find the GF cornbread recipe for thanksgiving that everyone loved so much last year, seriously I can't find it and everyone is expecting the same cornbread bc it was such a smash hit and what if I can't deliver!! wow the more I write this one the more it feels like a metaphor

5. i'm afraid no one has my back (sensing a pattern, making a note to talk to my therapist about this...)

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the cornbread will find you

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Good news, many of us already think of you as a hacker, so I think you can cross that fear off.

My fear is that you are a hacker and will be put in jail for illegal downloading things like the 'Barbie' movie and Reese Witherspoon's 'Wild'. Bc if you are in jail, that makes it even harder for the kids to eventually see your six pack abs.

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the heck

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Check out this amazing scientifically proven recipe book that helps you turn any recipe gluten-free. I haven't actually tried any of the recipes yet but the author sounds really convincing and the photos look good: https://theloopywhisk.com/elements-of-baking-cookbook/

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the clams joke is fucking gold, ty for the bivalve representation #ally

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I am afraid of this weird little tight ball of pain on the outside of my right foot that I THINK is from too-tight shoes but if so why is it only on one foot is it that my feet are different sizes am I doing enough for my feet even though it is now SLIPPER SEASON?!

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slipper season

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1. The Turd Reich

2. My holocaust wagon is not big enough for my vintage handbag collection.

3. That I really am as unlikeable as my solitude suggests.

4. That I won’t get back to Italy before I am jailed for canvassing for the democrats.

5. That I deeply disappointed my mother by not graduating college.

4. The 3 statistics classes that I dropped (hence no degree) because it was literally making me suicidal.

5. That I will die young

6. That I will die drooling in a chair

7. That humans really are as astoundingly stupid in the most banal way, which evidence suggests

8. That I only believe things that fit into my bias


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Great work Anna you are healed

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I’m thankful for the new fears you stirred in me.

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my job here is done

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OK I am very good at fears, let's go!

1. ALSO trump's second term what the actual

2. That the tooth I rely on heavily for all my chewing will be worn down to a nub and fall out

3. my jumping rope days are forever over

4. health things

5. worrying too much?

6. not crying enough even though there are many things to cry about, am I broken

7. too self absorbed

8. but not taking enough care of myself

9. they say you should rest?

10. working basically just for health insurance

11. wasting my education'

12. the fires! the drought! In the northeast?

13. polar bears dying off

14. hosting thanksgiving but it not counting because i resent it

15. modeling too much caregiving, as a woman, to my children

16. someone will discover I am a fraud at my job

17. climate change affecting the price of coffee

I could go on but

18. talking too much

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a beautiful list thank you

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Just let people sleep in coworking spaces!! Oh I’m sorry was my silent, motionless activity disturbing you

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u get it

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The fear of not feeling good enough is real, and affects WAY more people than said people would ever let on.

I, a 38 year old man, cried when I watched the Barbie movie. (I don’t care about spoilers; it’s been out for a year) The part where Barbie is sitting there, exasperated and just beat down, and she says, voice quivering, “I just don’t feel good enough”.


I felt that, so hard, as my therapist and I have discussed my issue with this, at length, for years now.

One could argue that that single thought is the driver for every other entry on your list.

Anyway, whenever you’re doubting yourself, look at your kids, and the fact that your wife is still married to you. Easy way to see that yes, you are indeed good enough.

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thank you for this Bradly truly but I must point out that you never ended the bruce which means we're all stuck in bruce until you end it (or don't)

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I have eaten so much cottage cheese lately. What is up with that? Also, the no nap rule seems extreme.

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how do you take ur cs?

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Usually straight outta the tub, but if I'm feeling fancy I'll add a sprinkle of blueberries and a drizzle of balsamic.

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Wait, so no napping but phone booth squatting is perfectly ok? What is the address I’m coming there to flip some tables.

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good luck everything is nailed to the floor

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I can’t be tamed.

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dear alex,

i am grateful for this fearsharing opportunity! here are some fears i'll share:

1) that i'll need more dental work that is expensive and extensive than the gum surgeries i just had the past two weeks because my mouth is important to me and also the rest of my body which my mouth is a part of

2) that beings will suffer more than they need to or deserve to

3) death (but i'm working on this one)

thanks for asking and sharing!



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god bless myq

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I missed last year’s post but this is actually a clever idea. You can find more connection to, and insight about, others with fear sharing than with gratitude sharing, plus sometimes saying what you’re thankful for just turns into bragging. I dreamed last night that we were near our last dollar with no foreseeable income and no skills, so apparently that’s what I’m afraid of. Also afraid of throwing my gum away in a public trash can so I wrap them back in their wrappers or in napkins or paper and bring them home to throw away in our private trash. It makes sense to me, and it’s a little fear with a pretty minor affect ha ;)

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wait what happens if you trash the gum???

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In my weird head i think i will be cloned. I understand all the reasons this is absurd but also there's something about the synthetic, neverdegrading nature of gum that feels like some smart tech.

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I’m afraid:

1. That I won’t fully accept the fact of death before I die

2. That I’m not actually as compassionate as people say I am

3. That other people’s opinions of me influence me more than I think they do

4. That I might actually live alone in the mountains

5. That maybe I should live alone in the mountains

6. That I’ll get stuck sitting and writing and editing all day and someday stop experiencing adventures that are worth writing about

7. That I’ll get stuck in my head

8. That I’ll get my head stuck in

9. That I’ll delude myself and cling to comfort instead of seeking Truth.

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I'm terrified of hating Christmas as much as I did last year and the year before and the year before and the year before and the year before etc.

I'm from Canada so Yanksgiving doesn't count as a fear source for me, but if we had that and everyone up here wasn't ashamed of the cultural genocide associated with colonization and therefore relieved to drop the pretense of being thankful for a forced spending spree (I think algorithms are a form of force) (I know I can put the thing down any time but they are everywhere, including my emails)...

where was I? If we still celebrated that other holiday I'd be afraid of hating it too.



ps some Canadians do actually celebrate it still, but in October when Xmas isn't zooming down the pike and nobody is aware it's happening unless they live here, so it's not as doomlike.

pps I hate Xmas because of the enforced time with my birth family, not the optional and greatly appreciated time with my kids and former spouse where we just pig out and watch Xmas movies.

ppps I'm also afraid of the govt in America, can't believe it happened twice (but believing it) and wishing we were atop Europe instead, atop in the sense of a map view, for access to European cheese and other food like it. No offense, I guess it's nobody's fault.

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would kill to be atop europe watching xmas

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