i'm imagining the thousands of BAT readers cheering you on as you bravely step into the BAT cave for winter. we don't know when you'll come out or who you'll be when you do. but we'll be here whenever you emerge. both are true.
I haven't posted on my stack since MAY. Whether or not people forgot about me makes no difference in the scheme that's grand, but also it's IMPOSSIBLE to forget about you, Alex. Impossible. bruce Take really good care of yourself and if it's different on the other side, please know that's super ok with us. /bruce.
It’s okay to take a break. We will be here when you return. I had to get pneumonia to take a break. I had the same fear but Substackians are a special bunch.
I take breaks by accident after every single thing I write bc I get easily distracted. They’re filled with self doubt and anxiety. Not taking a break ever would be more restful.
Hello from a month into my own sabbatical of indefinite duration. 👋 Literally identical thoughts upon taking it and now no regrets. I have ideas about why so many of us are doing this right now, but that’s a post-sabbatical post. Enjoy! I will miss your fabulous takes on everything.
i'm imagining the thousands of BAT readers cheering you on as you bravely step into the BAT cave for winter. we don't know when you'll come out or who you'll be when you do. but we'll be here whenever you emerge. both are true.
couldn't say it better ♥
Love you and love the math. Here forever and always, even if it’s never <3
couldn't have said it better. BAT forever, even if it's never.
This completely ruins the mystique of our epic feud, but you're a good'un, so please take a breather to keep your brain exactly the way it is.
I'm just wondering if Sowden knows about this plan. He might use it to get a leg up on you.
He knows, and he is granting this clown amnesty. It's no fun unless he's giving it everything he's got and I still crush him anyway.
I haven't posted on my stack since MAY. Whether or not people forgot about me makes no difference in the scheme that's grand, but also it's IMPOSSIBLE to forget about you, Alex. Impossible. bruce Take really good care of yourself and if it's different on the other side, please know that's super ok with us. /bruce.
Have a nice break! I’ll leave some soup warming for you on the stove. Do you like soup? Lmk
It’s okay to take a break. We will be here when you return. I had to get pneumonia to take a break. I had the same fear but Substackians are a special bunch.
Hugs, dude.
loving the vibe of a handwritten substack. breaks are the best.
This is great. YOU are great. Take a break! You need it. Everybody will still be here when you get back ❤️🔥
Love the fancy BAT stationery. Had no idea this was such a professional operation. But isn’t it wonderful there are people to forget about you?
I take breaks by accident after every single thing I write bc I get easily distracted. They’re filled with self doubt and anxiety. Not taking a break ever would be more restful.
Alex, the cool kids always take a break over the holidays... to regenerate, rejuvenate, recuperate, recover, etc., so you're in good company. {heart}
Beloved, be loved, may you find rest and renewal for whatever your future holds.
Hello from a month into my own sabbatical of indefinite duration. 👋 Literally identical thoughts upon taking it and now no regrets. I have ideas about why so many of us are doing this right now, but that’s a post-sabbatical post. Enjoy! I will miss your fabulous takes on everything.
Enjoy your break, you lovely person. Looking forward to your return. We will be here ❤️