Oct 8Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

Eyyy, thanks for the shout out Alex! Honored to have a great post feature my mid joke.

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Oct 8Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

I'm constantly surprised by what a good writer you are. Not in the sense of a dog walking on hindlegs or a woman preaching, but in the sense of delighted.

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hahah thank you! also I'll work on being a dog that walks on his hindlegs and a...woman preaching?

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Dobrenko`


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Oct 8Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

What an excellent read, Alex! Funny and very relatable!

I spend so much time thinking about writing then, when I actually carve out the time to do it, often end up doing something else entirely. Like eating my son’s Haribo and watching an in-depth YouTube interview with Blink182 (last night.)

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what'd you learn from the interview?

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Now you’re asking…

They all come across very well actually. I suppose my key takeaway is that my musical tastes have barely evolved in the past 20 years.

No nostalgic YouTube wormholes tonight. Going to write SOMETHING. Definitely.

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Oct 8Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

1. The beginning of this reads like a LinkedIn ”doing it for the followers post” - easily consumed but a trite pattern/trend. I’ve no room to talk though, I’ve only been here a week or so. Either way, continuing to read, I got through it and it was worth it.

2. Writing kinks: coffee shops; near a window so people outside the coffee shop can also watch if they’d like. In the back of my van at a remote lake in the forest while sipping on a warm cup of pour-over coffee. If I’m feeling really distracted, closets are also nice if you bring something cozy to sit on - it’s so quiet in there.

3. - -

4. - -

5. I need to think about this one more.

6. Oddly enough, yes. Once.

7. You know, I’m a little tired. It’s time to make dinner but I’m on here putzing around. But man I could go for a burger. We’re continually losing more daylight every day in Sweden as winter approaches. It leaves you with a feeling of needing to cozy up while thinking about gloriously long days in the summer. Besides that, the toddler is fed, bathed, and fast asleep.

8. All the best to you. What a devastating experience. Hugs.

9. I’ll definitely check out Chortle.

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Joe I gotta say I was mortally wounded by you calling my writing trite but then you used the phrase 'putzing around' and I knew you didnt mean anything by it. We're friends always have been always will be. God bless, and I hope you made some dinner.

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Alex, I took a chance in humour and am relieved you picked up on this. Dinner was made. It was good. I hope you have a delightful Wednesday. #friendship

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Oct 8Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

PPS - I’m enjoying reading your work; keep it up :)

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

That was nice.

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Thinking about doing the thing rather than doing the thing. Just so so painful. I just actually did the thing (in my case illustrating) and I went through the whole… this is going much better than expected, what was I worried about? I’m actually enjoying this, maybe I WILL be able to make this book good. Oops, oh well, maybe I can fix that later. Hmmm, that was a bit tricky. Oh no, now I’m near the end I can see all the things I always find frustrating with my work. Urg. Disappointed…. Have you ever talked about this cycle Alex? I think some people use a graph to go with this with a line going up and down again. I think I would find it comforting to read about you going through this too. Much obliged!

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oh man this is the cycle of it all I can definitely write about this lol . what happens in your cycle if/when you release the work??

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It depends. I get temporary relief if the designer/editor I send it to says nice things and does a bit of cooing. But I’m finding I get extreme anxiety just before the book is published. My analogy is that I feel like I have to make friends with it once it’s published. It does help if people say nice things about it (!) and slowly, we become friends, until eventually they become part of the family. One thing that helps me finish the work at all, is that I’ve figured out if I’m 60% happy with it, everyone else seems to love it. So my very low bar is everyone else’s high bar! I wonder what would happen if I got to 80-90% happy?! Would I blow people’s actual minds??!

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

“There were no rules, just kicking it around and laughing so much we forgot about everything else.” Yes, that’s it! And writing bareback astride a galloping horse.

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Love, perfect, never stop writing

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RIP Larry's Fridge :)

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he'd just bought it too

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

I can't afford to sub right now, but just wanted to say that I always look forward to your posts. The no-holds-barred, big-hearted stream of consciousness is like a big mug of hot cocoa waiting in my inbox. My job involves writing, sometimes with a "be creative NOW!" mandate, and it really sucks. Don't beat yourself up cuz you're doing great.

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daww wow this was really kind and made my day thank you Kate

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Glad you're in Atlanta! I hope Milton stays away from Ashville.

I am not an ADIDAS. I didn't want to come home from Italy. It was nice to take a break from Substack. TABFS. We slept in a different hotel or airbnb almost every night. Some beds were like cardboard and some had lumpy pillows but I've never slept better. Coming home on the plane I dreamed about Substack and bolted up like Catherine O'Hara in Home Alone. Instead of saying, Kevin!, I shouted, Substack!

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best.one.ever 🤓🔥

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hhahaha thank you Debbie

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Oct 8Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

RIP Larry's fridge

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guy never saw it coming

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Oct 8Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

Alex I find your writing refreshing and unique ❤️

Much wisdom in it also.

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thanks Nico!!

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Oct 8Liked by Alex Dobrenko`

dear alex,

i love you. this is funny: "i want to be good but i am bad - help?"

(hope this helps.)



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