Love your stream of consciousness. If you remove the r you have a steam of consciousness. Your post was like a clearing of the lungs. 🥰

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Cackling at butter community. BPM was perfect. I know you have to be nice to your protector but tell Chester I said I’ll fucking fight him.

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To be cringe is to be free

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Dynamite post. When you share your interior monologue? dialogue? I both identify, but also have enormous gratitude for my parents, who, while they installed some negative default highways, by in large didn't install some of the more dangerous ones like perfectionism, or shame. Also gratitude to living this long so even some of the defaults are just plain getting overgrown, making it easier to skip down the more scenic side paths.

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How ive missed these

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Holy shit dude.

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I'll never ever be able to read a children's poem to my grand kids the same again?

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actually jealous of the JW train pic #100 (also omg "well that book coulda been an email" Pollan, lol)

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Writings of a true Wolf. Awoooooo! Vulnerable, impartial, empathetic and always in wonder

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You had me at insane in the braintrain. Excellent BPM, too.

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As someone who is also struggling to escape from Chester and finding out he's real, this is great work. I told a friend of mine about it and she told me her Chester is named "Bruno" and there will be much goofing when we say "Tell Bruno to go eat cottage cheese" and laugh about it.

Funny story about the 14K fucks: I was going to bed the night before a funeral and my brain wouldn't shut up with a 5 paragraph essay about how great my grandmother was. I got up and wrote it down to exercise the thought demon, sent it to my mom, and went to sleep. The next day, I was asked to read it at the funeral and it turned out the other person who was supposed to do the eulogy wasn't gonna do it. So I was now the guy that gave the eulogy. Afterwards, the funeral director told me it was a good eulogy and he knows what he's talking about (brain, 6 funerals a week = ~300 eulogies a year and he's old so say he's been doing this 20 years = ~6,000 eulogies). Chester insists that it was a bad eulogy, even though everyone else liked it.

Chester is also my deceased cat's name and so my bad brain bits need a different name but Bruno doesn't quite fit either. Thank you again for lighting up a rough day!

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This has honestly set me up so nicely for the day! Thanks for this piece of slightly deranged cringe, did not know I needed it quite so much! Nice Friday morning cleanse 💦🚊

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