1) you're not a monster

2) triple poo (or even 2 plus tries poo is impressive)

3) room temp drinks hydrate your body best cuz then the old kicker doesn't have to do the work to cool down/warm up the liquids

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up is also a cardi b song and an abbrevs for a small town near me (University Place, which is not really a place near a university)

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whew at first I thought the pixar film you were talking about was elemental (which was awful) but thank gowds you meant UP

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dear alex,

thank you and congrats and i love you!

1) do your days look like this? what’s a usual day for you?

what if i told you my days look EXACTLY like yours do? don't look now but i am you.

2) if this isn’t good, what is?

what if this IS good?

3) when do you think the rubber first met the road?

from googling i found this:

"Rubber has been used for thousands of years, with archaeologists finding examples of rubber balls and other uses in Latin America dating back to as early as 1600 BC. The Olmec civilisation lived in Mexico from around 1500 BC to 400 BC and their name translates as the 'rubber people'."

and also this:

"The oldest constructed roads discovered to date are in former Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq. These stone paved streets date back to about 4000 B.C. in the Mesopotamia cities of Ur and Babylon."

so my guess is around 1600 BC

6) does god exist and if so when will he pick me as the good boy for the day?

no and yes.

(a rabbi once told me "god does not exist; god IS existence.")

and if god DOESN'T pick you as good boy for the day, i pick you as a good day for the boy.



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Happiness is about wanting what we have rather than having what we want. 2-3 poos and a nap is blissful.

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Hahaha oh man, I found this really entertaining and funny to read - as a fellow stay @ home parent writer, and also my husband is the same so I’ll forward this to him for a giggle.

“She says yes its funny but I hear ‘no its not funny’ and we proceed a tired, largely unintelligible fight. I am a monster.”

Me every time Tully has time to send me funny reels but not read my work. Given, his read speed is way slower than my write speed and quite honestly, i think I’d rather he use the 4 hours it would take him to read my essays... having the toddler, so I can write more essays 🫠

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"Me every time Tully has time to send me funny reels but not read my work" hahahahahaha

honestly its me whenever Lauren does literally anything that is not read the stuff I sent her

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The irony will be, when I send him your article link and he makes the time to read YOUR work, instead of mine 🤪

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On Sunday the god will pick you!

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is Industry a real show or a code word for like anything on netflix etc. with decent scripts like Sideways ? ps next year at this time 2022 will seem like 1812

without the scurvy heeee

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A day in the life of a multi-tasking master! Or is it meta? Writing about writing as you write. Multi-tasking a meta piece about writing as you write about writing! Phew, I’m exhausted just writing that, let alone spending a day writing a post about writing as I write about writing the piece I am writing!! 👌

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i often avoid writing by writing about writing

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Evil plan - moihahahahaaa!! Take that, writing!!

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As a mom and a “writer”, this makes me feel better about my life

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"Usual" day went out the door there for a few years, didn't it?

I've settled into a routine since about early 2022... something about staying tuned in to Russia's invasion kept me looking outward more than in previous years, an geopolitics landed front and center on my plate every day. I started listening, reading, or watching video for at least 8 hours a day to learn about things, not just the war (but the war was a catalyst that kicked this learning up a notch). In 2023, I kept this up, but added writing every day to the mix.

Now, a day is:

First 30 minutes: brew coffee, listen to news, read Heather Cox Richardson.

Next 2 hours: write and then publish.

Next 2 hours: catch up on what others have written, and read through news for the day. Poke around in the stock market if there's time.

Lunch. Go for a walk.

Engage with folks for a few more hours, write, and learn about something for the next couple of hours. If it's a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, go teach jiu jitsu (and train!). If not, start dinner.

Not too shabby.

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You're doing a great job. Don't worry about it too much and get some sleep! My days are usually equal parts procrastination, work and stress.

for example, I just decided to procrastinate more by adding to the thread because maybe this is funny...bad idea!

- 3:00 am, daughter wakes up and gets into our bed. no prob, plenty of room, wife is outta town.

-6:45 am alarm rings. Def should have set it for 6:30. Get up a 7...have to get all the kids ready and to school by 7:30. Not gonna happen. But, we got there, just a little late.

7:45am: just a little late, start working (from home). Insanely quite. Insanely behind on a bunch of work to do today. Luckily, not many meetings. Will start responding to some emails...this is boring let's do substack for a bit....

9:25 am mt/11:25est. What am i doing reading and responding to this...who is this Alex character and why do I care? I have actual important stuff to do that I am way behind on in my real IRL, getting some coffee and will definitely work and not edit this later!!! Maybe I would be more productive from the coffee shop...

UPDATE 8:46 pm MT. Time to put the kidz to bed not sure what else happened may have blacked out. Keeep up the goood work!

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