Also, hi hello lurkers, my mom's name is Alex the Raccoon, neé Alex the Hedgehog, my SSN is 80085, and my life goal is to be BAT's most prolific commenter.

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Well on your way!! But don't tell us! We could just, you know,

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oh shit Madeline Ann is learning ur ways

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there's always money in the banana (high-res photos) stand

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they can';t take up that much spacve u know

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Genius finds a way

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I AM a perfect lil snail; ty for noticing

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not green book make it stop

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the the orange blob; huge blob fan here

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Alex, BAT is always such a crazy rollercoaster ride - I loved this post!

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hahahaha hell yes. just you wait the next one is gonna be a real dumpster fire of fun

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Welcome Blobby!

And Alex that is very exciting you are going to be a BIG BOSS. I will try to think of someone great for you.

Meanwhile my 2018 resolution is to Just Do It, Think Different, Have it My Way, Taste the Rainbow, Fly the Friendly Skies, Eat Fresh, King of Beers and Think Outside the Bun and Good to the Last Drop.

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i might even become a BOSS BABY

love ur rezzies. especially "king of beers" if that ain't livin idk what livin is

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My 2018 resolutions are to finish working on my fixer-upper, find (or reunite) with the love of my life, finish my book and perform some spoken word at an open mic. I did NOT accomplish all of those things in 2018 but 2023 me has and am happy as a clam!

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hell yea!!!! I am glad to see this absolute huge WIN

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Our sentences.

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Space out

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ALWAYS a work in progress. Or is it regress to 2018

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Je suis confused. Keep it coming! And welcome, Blobby!

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love that energy

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Blobby: Eyes have it! 🥹

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dear alex,

i love you and this.

for example, some things of this and you that i love include:

-- Hey I don’t make up the sayings I just say em - don’t kill the massager!

-- the order to my chaos, the calm to my storm, the devil to my Prada.

-- blobby! (short for blobert, i presume?)

-- I saved 17 marriages from ending and made sure 32 divorces went through

and now, the answers to your questions:

1) Who are you, who were you, and who will you be?

Myq Kaplan. Michael Kaplan. Mike Kaplan.

2) What are your 2018 resolutions?

Invent time travel

3) Do you know anyone who might wanna do the job stuff I wrote about above?

I'll think about it!

4) Is Blobby a cutie or what?

A cutie AND what!

PS when you wrote "Richard Rohr," did you mean to write "Richard Russo" who is the actual author of "the destiny thief"? or is this part of the trick question which makes BOTH the quotes fake in a way? the opposite of Both Are True!

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oh my god, I forgot how good these are. If only, if only we could all go back and have a big do-over, or a combover of what we did these last 5 years.

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Blobby is very cute! Way to be cute, Blobby!

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